Thursday, March 24, 2011

Internet Explorer? Really?

Are people really still using IE? Like, for casual browsing? Really?

It boggles my mind.

blogger stats


  1. I do. So there. Actually, I almost always have both Firefox and IE running so that I can run multiple accounts in Y!Mail, Gmail, twitter, and echobazaar simultaneously. And then there's one for dreamwidth and the other one with the work home page. It's a bit too much for just one browser.

    And I like the colored nesting tags bit, even if it's all a bit ragged under the hood.

  2. I'm a firefox person. It does everything I need, while being slightly less annoying than iTunes with its updates.

  3. Lib: Well, that makes sense. If I need to open an alternate account for something, I generally use an incognito window, but that has the drawback of not storing cookies, so I can't make tabs from those websites.

    Matt: Yeah, I would have upgraded to 4.0 the other day, only they haven't come out with it for Mac yet, I don't think. I only use it for netflix streaming these days anyway, though.

  4. When it's built in....kinda like the stock tires on your car. You'll drive with em until a)they wear out or b)someone comes along with bad-ass high-tech tires that dynamically adapt to road conditions, driver preferences, and what music you're currently playing....and they show you what you're missing. :)

    Ignorance is NOT bliss, internet peoples!

  5. It also depends on your audience, too. The folks that visit my blog tend to be more technical so I have a higher percentage of non-IE users; still plenty of them due to default installs, work installs, and the foodie types who care more about the imagery that you can taste than what browser they're using.

    38% IE, 31% Firefox, 14% Chrome, 13% Safari, then the remaining 4% is miscellaneous...

  6. It also depends on your audience, too. The folks that visit my blog tend to be more technical so I have a higher percentage of non-IE users; still plenty of them due to default installs, work installs, and the foodie types who care more about the imagery that you can taste than what browser they're using.

    38% IE, 31% Firefox, 14% Chrome, 13% Safari, then the remaining 4% is miscellaneous...

  7. Thanks Alex. Yeah, I've realized that there are a lot of folks who are browsing at work and have no control over which browser they're using.

    Still. It's my firm opinion that IE blows.
