Saturday, September 13, 2008

greetings from the mother-land

i am ...not in baltimore right now. HA. *mysterious*

not really. there isn't much mystery to delaware. i am, however, going to get my non-existent booty up here in a minute and take advantage of tax-free shopping at borders. i've started reading the Gideon Cutpurse trilogy, and i must go and purchase the second installment.

it's absolutely thrilling, and everything i look for in a sci-fi/fantasy story. adventure, intelligence, emotion. my father once told me that all good sci-fi has to have an emotional detail. he said that's what makes Aliens so amazing, because on top of all the [truly fantastic] action, the story-line of Ripley and Newt really pulled you in.

I've always agreed with him on that.

because it doesn't always have to be romance. in fact, it shouldn't always be romance, because there is so many sorts of love out there. it's probably my biological clock, but these days i enjoy family stories more completely than romance.

anyway. off to deprive some children of their literature. dun judge. besides, when pressed, i just say it's for research.

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